If Elected, Trump Will Endanger America

I’m totally disgusted and tired of seeing Donald Trump in the news, stirring up trouble. He should be debating with Republicans who aspire to be the next president. I’m sick of hearing about his persecution by various legal entities. I’m frustrated with the meaningful number of Americans that support this contemptible man as he continually disrupts our society.

There is a caveat to my frustration. It is that Trump had/has some good perspectives about issues that are important to our country and our freedom. See below. Just because I loathe the man and his inflammatory rhetoric doesn’t mean that he would be unable to offer some good choices to Americans. However, I’m not suggesting in any way that he be reelected.

His attitude towards the southern border crisis is right on. This country has illegally opened borders under Democrat rule. Emasculated immigration laws and feeble immigration policies are going to destroy our government.

Trump’s disdain for certain world leaders and his get-tough attitude is refreshing and badly needed. The US’s timid response to terrorism and the rogue leaders of Middle Eastern countries has led to more violence. The only thing these people understand is power and strength. The US is not taking this approach, and we are being taken advantage of far too often economically, militarily and politically.

Trying to make peace with Iran is a losing proposition. Trump led the US away from this country. To make a nuclear treaty with Iran was outrageously inane. The ayatollahs hate America and make fools of us by attacking US military installations using proxies in Iraq and Syria. We should attack forcefully all those who are destabilizing the areas surrounding Israel. Iran should be on the top of the list.

Negotiating with Russia will get us nowhere. We should continue to squeeze the country economically. Russia is running out of money to fight against Ukraine.

China will never be our partner. It is jealous of our status in the world. We need to be strong and react with sanctions every time the Chinese overstep their boundaries.

Having said all this, Trump acts like a dictator, which rightly turns off a large segment of the electorate. He really isn’t smart enough to run the federal government. He proved this during his first term. He governs with a chip on his shoulder and an iron hand. His sycophants, political enemies and supporters are frightened of him. The last thing we need is another Hitler or Mussolini. See Tuesday’s New York Times.

And most important, people who violate the law should be punished. Criminals shouldn’t be allowed to run for public office, especially the presidency. Trump has pushed the limits of the federal judicial system too far. He breaks the law at will and is unafraid to threaten those who recognize that he is a liar and a cheat.

I’m an American through and through. There is no way I want a man in the White House who is above the law. Americans need to smarten up and get rid of Trump before he is in a position to do something really stupid.

We managed to escape Trump’s last reign of terror. We may not be so lucky on a second time around.

Vote against Trump. Republicans, don’t be afraid to defeat this megalomaniac.

Are Israel’s Actions Justified?

In this era of spontaneous violence, it’s perilous to call for military action against Hamas or any violent group. It’s even more bizarre to encounter protests from Americans and other people outside of the Middle East for doing so. Nevertheless, I believe military force by Israel is justifiable in response to the atrocities perpetuated by the terrorists.

The world empathizes with Palestine, in spite of the terrorist attack and Israel’s policy to minimize collateral damage. In defense of its sovereignty, Israel had no other options.

If there was a revolution in Ontario, Canada and terrorists moved south into Michigan killing and maiming Americans, ala Hamas, would the US retaliate? Certainly, it would. We would hunt down the murderers nonstop until every criminal was killed or captured. Sadly, we would be aggressive even if collateral damage occurred.

This is not the first time that enemies of democracy in the Middle East have used noncombatants to shield their dirty deeds. Saddam Hussein used similar tactics in his war with the US. Truman killed thousands of innocents effectively ending the World War with Japan. His justification was that an all-out invasion with Japan would cost thousands of American lives. Truman’s decision is still being debated by ethicists.

Hamas has goaded Israel into using deadly force. See New York Times front page story on Thursday. The deadlier the response by Israel soldiers, the more the world empathizes with the Palestinians. This tactic by Hamas is contemptible. They want their enemy to attack fellow Arabs to capture the sympathies of the global community.

Young people around the world are marching every day in protest of the death of Palestinians. Who’s lamenting innocents being bombed every day in Israel?

Netanyahu had a tough but obvious choice. He could have tried to make peace with Hamas in spite of the viciousness of the attack a few weeks ago, or he could have mobilized his military, ask for US support and hunt down the scum that has no empathy for innocent bystanders. He chose the latter.

The Middle East is attempting to modernize, unsuccessfully. The value of life is still too cheap. Arabs must force their leaders to give more consideration to the common people. Sacrificing thousands to make a political statement is very dirty business.

Arabs and Jews have inhabited the space known as Israel for ages. Both have a claim to land that surrounds very holy places throughout Israel. The two groups have fought viciously for many years since Israel established a new state. Since that time violence has not subsided.

The question is: does either party have a stronger claim to the area that’s currently identified as Israel? Unlike colonialists of the past few centuries, Israel did not attack and abuse the people in the area in which they established their country. Israel has been counterpunching terrorists that believe Arabs have a first claim on Israel.

Unlike the colonialists of years gone by, Israelis have no place to retreat to if the land was taken away from them. Jewish desperation is always overwhelming in negotiations involving land.

Eliminating Hamas is a noble objective. They have proven how uncaring they are for the needs of related groups. It is a giant power struggle. Other wealthy Arab nations are careful not to offend groups affiliated with terrorism. Insurgency in their countries is a great concern. And equally important is the age-old feud between Shia (Iran) and Sunni (Saudi Arabia).

One thing is becoming clearer: the US will not be able to lead a new peace initiative. Arab statesmen in the region will need to step up and drive an initiative.

Israel had no choice but to go after the Hamas interlopers. Nevertheless, Israel will suffer bad times for the foreseeable future as they spend billions on retaining their right to live in peace.

Are Israel’s Actions Justified?

In this era of spontaneous violence, it’s perilous to call for military action against Hamas or any violent group. It’s even more bizarre to encounter protests from Americans and other people outside of the Middle East for doing so. Nevertheless, I believe military force by Israel is justifiable in response to the atrocities perpetuated by the terrorists.

The world empathizes with Palestine, in spite of the terrorist attack and Israel’s policy to minimize collateral damage. In defense of its sovereignty, Israel had no other options.

If there was a revolution in Ontario, Canada and terrorists moved south into Michigan killing and maiming Americans, ala Hamas, would the US retaliate? Certainly, it would. We would hunt down the murderers nonstop until every criminal was killed or captured. Sadly, we would be aggressive even if collateral damage occurred.

This is not the first time that enemies of democracy in the Middle East have used noncombatants to shield their dirty deeds. Saddam Hussein used similar tactics in his war with the US. Truman killed thousands of innocents effectively ending the World War with Japan. His justification was that an all-out invasion with Japan would cost thousands of American lives. Truman’s decision is still being debated by ethicists.

Hamas has goaded Israel into using deadly force. See New York Times front page story on Thursday. The deadlier the response by Israel soldiers, the more the world empathizes with the Palestinians. This tactic by Hamas is contemptible. They want their enemy to attack fellow Arabs to capture the sympathies of the global community.

Young people around the world are marching every day in protest of the death of Palestinians. Who’s lamenting innocents being bombed every day in Israel?

Netanyahu had a tough but obvious choice. He could have tried to make peace with Hamas in spite of the viciousness of the attack a few weeks ago, or he could have mobilized his military, ask for US support and hunt down the scum that has no empathy for innocent bystanders. He chose the latter.

The Middle East is attempting to modernize, unsuccessfully. The value of life is still too cheap. Arabs must force their leaders to give more consideration to the common people. Sacrificing thousands to make a political statement is very dirty business.

Arabs and Jews have inhabited the space known as Israel for ages. Both have a claim to land that surrounds very holy places throughout Israel. The two groups have fought viciously for many years since Israel established a new state. Since that time violence has not subsided.

The question is: does either party have a stronger claim to the area that’s currently identified as Israel? Unlike colonialists of the past few centuries, Israel did not attack and abuse the people in the area in which they established their country. Israel has been counterpunching terrorists that believe Arabs have a first claim on Israel.

Unlike the colonialists of years gone by, Israelis have no place to retreat to if the land was taken away from them. Jewish desperation is always overwhelming in negotiations involving land.

Eliminating Hamas is a noble objective. They have proven how uncaring they are for the needs of related groups. It is a giant power struggle. Other wealthy Arab nations are careful not to offend groups affiliated with terrorism. Insurgency in their countries is a great concern. And equally important is the age-old feud between Shia (Iran) and Sunni (Saudi Arabia).

One thing is becoming clearer: the US will not be able to lead a new peace initiative. Arab statesmen in the region will need to step up and drive an initiative.

Israel had no choice but to go after the Hamas interlopers. Nevertheless, Israel will suffer bad times for the foreseeable future as they spend billions on retaining their right to live in peace.

Anti-Semitism, Terrorism and Iran

About 35 years ago, I asked my mom, how could the world stand aside and allow Nazi Germany to kill six million Jews? Her response was to say that Americans had no clue that the Holocaust was taking place. Little did I know that Hamas terrorists would recreate a mini version of the atrocities that took place during World War II. And once again, anti-Semites are saying that the Jews had it coming.

The bad blood in the Middle East is going to fester for many more years based upon current events. In fact, Israelis are once again being defiled as they fight to exist peacefully in Israel. The response of so many young people at some of the most prestigious colleges is disgraceful. It’s one thing to be critical of how Israelis govern Palestinians; it’s another thing to call for ethnic cleansing and saying Hamas butchers are heroes.

The riots on the campuses across the country are proof that Jews are not safe, even in America. The discrimination against them is once again in full bloom. University presidents are having a difficult time saying the truth: “Hamas murdered, raped, beheaded Israeli Jews, and they should be hunted down for their crimes.” Woke attitudes have turbocharged the bigots, and now Jews are unsafe in New York, in their homes, in dormitories, on the streets and with relatives.

To their credit, many companies and CEO’s are supportive of Israel as they drive deep into

Gaza. But no such luck among educators. I guess it’s fashionable to fight and destroy property if somebody disagrees with you.

And what about the United Nations? Why does the US continue to fund this useless organization? Every vote is overwhelmingly anti-American and anti-Semitic. You would think that some lesser developed countries would side with Israel as it once again is being persecuted by the world. It’s no wonder that the Biden administration has not threatened to close down the worthless anti-American organization. No longer would the delegates enjoy the great restaurants and forgiveness of parking violations. Tehran would be a nice place to headquarter the U.N.

Speaking of the Biden administration, where is its backbone? How long is it going to stand for attacks by Iran on our soldiers without a compensatory response? Are we afraid of a backlash from Middle East countries? The root of the Israeli conflict is Iran and all the marauders it finances.

Finally, there is free speech. Protest is permitted by the Constitution until it fosters violence. The students who are protesting are over the line threatening Jews and destroying property. They should end protests and get back to the classroom. Maybe if they learned about the facts about anti-Semitism and real life, they would be in a position to make the world a better a better place to live for all of us.