Biden Speaks With The Press And Flops

It must be really depressing to be a Democrat these days. Nothing is going well for the left-wing party. All of the promises Joe Biden made to Americans have gone nowhere in Congress. To make matters worse, the leader looks haggard, confused and overworked.

Liberals are starting to feel like Republicans during the Trump years. They have control, but they can’t get a darn thing done. Democrat lawmakers should not have tried to change America in one presidential cycle with a 50/50 split in the Senate and a razor thin margin in the House.

Think about the ridiculous proposals. Democrats want to open borders even as people from Mexico and Central America are flooding into the US causing confusion and havoc. Pelosi and her minions are not bothered one bit about the illegals wading across the Rio Grande. That’s because liberals want to give citizenship to everyone without any conditions and because the illegals will probably vote Democratic when they become citizens.

Thoughtful Americans including many Democrats are scratching their heads and saying open borders are not a good idea, and maybe building a wall wasn’t such a stupid proposal. In the meantime, taxpayers are caring for these people without regard to criminal records, health and where the where they will ultimately settle.

Biden is negotiating with Russia as it prepares to overrun the Ukraine. Putin knows Biden is a lame duck with no real power over Congress. The Russian troublemaker knows he can ride roughshod over America. If he was politically savvy, Biden would threaten to bankrupt Russia if it invades the Ukraine. America should be prepared to shut down the Russian banking system. This is the only way to handle rogue despots like Vladimir Putin.

How can America have confidence in Biden when he insists on dealing with Iranian troublemakers. The ayatollahs are going to continue to threaten non-Islamic worshippers and Sunni regimes. And now the rogue president of Iran is making deals with Russia and China to foment more instability in the Middle East. We should not reinstate the Obama nuclear deal.

Biden thinks he’s going to be able to enact his entitlement extravaganza “in chunks.” What the hell is he talking about? Biden was shut down by fellow Democrats because his legislation would have worsened inflation. He wanted to spend too much. The Federal Reserve has stated that monstrous new entitlement programs will not be good for our economy. Overspending will exacerbate our national debt problem and devalue the dollar. Biden obviously never took economics 101.

Biden’s naive actions in Afghanistan have given his doubters even more reasons to expect the worst overseas. Clearly, the president did not listen to his generals. Americans are still in Afghanistan trying to escape.

Joe Biden spent several decades in the Senate. One would think that he could lead his colleagues in his Senate. But no, his own party members are revolting against him. Two Democratic senators have single handedly stopped all of Biden’s initiatives.

Last week Biden subjected himself to a barrage of questions for over two hours, a rare event for this administration. Once again, his responses to questions were fraught with exaggerations and misstatements. I’m not a Democrat, and I actually felt sorry for the guy. For a number of statements, Biden’s aides had to walk back comments made by the president after the news conference. And Biden said he thought his administration was doing a good job even as his ratings have dropped precipitously. The most outrageous statement was that he said he would run again with Kamala Harris as his vice president partner. Both should retire before the next presidential election.

Sympathies to my Democratic friends. Biden is going to lead his colleagues to a great defeat in 2022 in 2024. You better brace yourself for a political catastrophe.

President Lame Duck

Alas, Joe Biden has become a lame duck president just one year after taking office. His own party is accusing him of political missteps since taking office along with an inability to keep promises made during the campaign. Biden is following in the footsteps of Barack Obama, who bit off more than he could chew with Obamacare and then lost a filibuster-proof Congress after about two years. Obama didn’t anticipate the untimely death of Sen. Teddy Kennedy and the resistance of his opposition. Biden overestimated the influence of his left-wing comrades.

Unlike other situations, Biden’s own colleagues are doing him in. Sen. Joe Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, both Democrats, have vehemently opposed outrageous initiatives of the president. After decades in the Senate, you’d think Biden would know how to navigate through thorny political minefield in Congress. He didn’t give weight to his razor thin margin in the Senate. At 50/50, only one defector can derail big plans of a president and a political party.

The lesson to be learned is that a president should not try to make massive changes in our country without a buy in from the opposition and a significant mandate from the voters. The bad blood in Washington has made it exceedingly difficult to get anything done these days.

Specifically, Democrats tried to slip through a $5 trillion spending plan and change the rules relating to the Senate filibuster (to enact voting rights reform). Overspending and attempted dominance by a political party without a mandate was resisted by the two Democratic senators. They saved the country from several horrible mistakes, granting unwise entitlements and ensuing exacerbation of inflation, and blowing up Senate rules that have been in place for a long time.

Why didn’t Biden appreciate the fact that radical left-wing hacks in his own party were leading him down the primrose path? Joe has Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, the Squad and a number of socialists in his government to thank for his predicament. He is destined, for sure, to be in office only one term, and Democrats are going to lose seats in the House and Senate in 2022 and 2024. And, Joe Biden has 40 plus years experience in Washington. Can you believe such an experienced person can perform so ineffectively?

After all this said and done, our government worked well. It prevented a rogue group of socialists from disrupting our country. Having a 50/50 advantage in the Senate is not a platform from which a president can change the pillars of the country.

But what will happen during the next three years. Probably, Republicans will gain majorities in the Senate and the House. But with a Democratic president little will be accomplished, as one would expect Biden to veto all Republican initiatives. Gone are the days that opposing parties could find compromise. There will be little or no compromise between now and 2024.

It causes great concern that Joe Biden will be conducting foreign policy for three more years. Getting close to Iran and mishandling Russia and China is expected with Biden in a lead role. Hopefully, Congress will be able to fend off bad decisions regarding our allies and enemies.

Presidential Liars

Politicians have been lying to me and the rest of their constituencies since I took government classes in grade school. This phenomenon has reached epic proportions in recent years.

For historical perspective, I will begin by mentioning some of the more outrageous hyperbole from years past beginning with the first George Bush.

Bush told Americans he would not raise taxes. With great fanfare, he told us to read his lips. No way. He broke his promise and it cost him the election with Bill Clinton. It was a shame because Bush was probably the most experienced person to assume the presidency in many years. He was a congressman, head of the CIA and vice president. He defeated Saddam Hussein with virtually no casualties in the first Iraq war. One slip of the tongue caused his legacy great damage.

One of the biggest liars in history was Bill Clinton. He thought he could bull—t anybody including the American public. His tenure was chock full of mistruths; the biggest was about not having sex with Monica Lewinsky. He also fibbed about his sexual exploits with several other women and various self-dealing financial transactions when he was governor.

Boys will be boys, and presidents will be presidents. Philandering goes on all the time in Washington. Who am I to judge another man? But Bill was caught red handed, remember the infamous dress, and on national TV he looked Americans in the eye and denied any misbehavior. I always thought Clinton’s tryst with Monica was horrible transgression because it wasn’t a fair fight, a 20-year old intern was taken advantage of by most powerful man in the world. Sex in the room next to the Oval Office. Can you believe it?

That leads us to consider the veracity of every other thing Clinton told America. Americans heard many more lies from the man while he conducted his presidential duties.

The second George Bush started a war based upon a lie. The late Colin Powell, representing Bush, said the Iraqis had weapons of mass destruction. None were ever discovered. Did Bush lie? Did his aides lie to him? Did anybody in Bush’s cabinet lie because they wanted to unseat Saddam Hussein. In any event, this untruth resulted in a war that cost American lives and treasure.

Barack Obama was different than his fellow presidents. He lied to himself. He thought he was the smartest man on the planet. Without any experience he sashayed into the White House and rammed one of the worst laws in history down the throats of Americans. It’s now un-affectionately known as Obamacare. The results of this inane and poorly executed entitlement were financial upheaval because our country could not afford the legislation, defeat in the midterm elections and the loss of a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Basically, Obama was a do-nothing president because he did not understand the issues pertaining to a misguided law and ignored the experts. He was a political neophyte.

The Trump administration was fraught with one outright lie and exaggeration after another. In retrospect, this unbelievably despised person misled Americans more than he told the truth. The nation was so hard up for a hero that they elected a man with no character and no soul. There were so many instances of outright hyperbole that it makes me feel ashamed that this man was elected president of my country. Fact is that he was a liar before running for president and was pitted against another liar who he defeated.

And now we have Joe Biden in office who has nothing to lose. I promise it’s Joe’s last gig. Most Americans recognize that he is incapable of governing the US. He was an empty suit in Congress for years, and now, he is showing that he cannot deal with the rigors of being president.

At the current rate he may morph into the worst prefabricator of all time. He lies about virtually everything he does or doesn’t do.

The immigration problem on the southern border is not under control. It is a full-fledged crisis and human and humanitarian disaster.

The proposed new entitlements worth over 3 trillion dollars will make inflation increase. By saying that Nobel economists told him entitlements will end inflation and strengthen the dollar, the president is misleading the public.

Joe Biden’s son has broken numerous laws taking money from companies around the world for favors from his famous dad.

Biden has lied to Democrats. He promised progressive things that are not possible, and he assures moderates that he will heed their warnings about big government. He is leading Democrat politicians down a path of defeat and shame. It will begin during the midterm elections and continue into the next presidential election.

Biden is even now having issues with Kamala Harris about her role in the administration. He leaves the dirty jobs for her to deal with.

I think we would be stunned if we knew what inane things by Biden was saying to other world leaders. Consider the recent chat Biden had with Xi.

As a commander-in-chief he made a mess out of Afghanistan. He still believes he can negotiate with Iran’s crooked ayatollahs. Not a chance.

Democrats and Republicans can already see the writing on the wall. I’m frightened he has another three years still remaining as president. But, by then progressives will be telling Biden what to do each and every day.

Unbridled Spending Could End Liberal Dominance Prematurely

Democrats are at a crossroads shortly after taking control of the government in January. Should they take a lesson from Barack Obama and be humble, or should they ram through progressive and costly programs that transfer wealth to people at lower socioeconomic levels on the shoulders of the affluent? How will this philosophy impact the growth and well-being of our economy and society?

President Obama responded aggressively to the Great Recession, although many of his advisers believed he did not go big enough in deference to Republican objections. An $800 billion spending plan in 2008 was a seemingly bold plan involving federal government support. It was the largest amount of fiscal aid that has ever been provided. No one knew what the ramifications of such a large capital infusion would be at the time. Progressives said it didn’t matter, and Republicans predicted it would have a significant impact on inflation caused by astronomical spending by the federal government.

Biden and his fellow Democrats are once again testing the limits of fiscal giveaways by enacting a law that provides $1.9 trillion of assistance. The new president ignored the warnings of his rivals about the national debt, the weakening of the dollar and other things such as support of state budgets. Not one Republican senator voted for the legislation.

Progressives lauded the amount of money dedicated to minority causes, climate control, etc. The financial impact of the Covid pandemic was the impetuous upon which progressives passed this legislation. The total Covid related funds provided by the federal government are now several trillion dollars, although a large amount of the funds will be used for unrelated purposes. How will this impact the country economically?

The result of this overfunding will ultimately determine the fate of Democrats politically in the near future. If the country bounces back and inflation remains low, liberals will be celebrating more gains electorally. If the aid package does not do what progressive say it will, or if the country is subjected to inflationary pressures, the Dems will be struck down in the 2022 midterm elections.

Biden has gotten off to a horrendously bad start on the immigration front. The problems, suffering and confusion on the southern border, will be painful politically to liberals. The US is enabling thousands of destitute illegals to enter into the country without an infrastructure to manage the process. Towns and cities across the country will be hard pressed to accommodate these poor individuals.

The next thing on Biden’s agenda may be elimination of the filibuster. This will give liberals an opportunity to tear down our capitalistic society and keep the spigots open to fund illegal immigration and costly new entitlements. Forgiving college debt will soon be discussed, another trillion-dollar adventure.