
The twilight of our lives falls upon us with little warning. The most fortunate have few serious health issues until they reach advanced age. From that time forward it’s in the hands of destiny.

Some fight ageing by becoming more concerned about how they live their lives. Drink less alcohol, eat well, exercise more and be more optimistic about life are some of the most common strategies. But sometimes fate deals a bad hand and disease ambushes us in spite of our efforts to stay healthy.

What should we do when we reach the golden years? The simple response is to live each day to the fullest. You never know if you are on a short leach. But, how does one do this?

A wise man I once knew said that our legacy was the most important thing. Nobody remembers, for more than a fleeting moment, deals consummated or how much money we have in the bank. No, it’s our children and grandchildren that keep our memory alive. It’s the good things we’ve done for others that admirers will remember about us.

Yet, it isn’t easy coming to grips with mortality. One thing is for certain, we all are going to die in the future, and between now and then we will lose people we love. Worrying about the afterlife, if there is one, is not going to make this journey any easier. When our peers pass away and we see death and sadness in the news every day, it’s difficult to not consider our own demise

When someone we know is ill and dies, or experiences an unfortunate tragedy do we really feel sorry or them? In most cases we do, for sure. But we are also thankful that we’ve been spared a similar fate. When our friends are ill, we might even thank God and pray our families are spared of a similar moment.

Getting old means getting out of the way of young people. Whether it’s on the job or relating to family affairs, the elderly must transfer responsibility to the next generation. Hopefully we have done whatever possible to prepare our children to succeed us and to find prosperity and happiness. We must teach them how to lead their families and subordinates in business.

But, what of the afterlife? Is it true that the good will see God and be happy for all eternity? It’s a beautiful thought. Or is death oblivion? We were not unhappy before we were born, so why should we worry about being unhappy after our deaths?

Frankly afterlife expectations of eternal bliss make the transition from life to death easier for many. It’s just so disconcerting that after 70, 80 or 90 years we will cease to exist.

Future generations will give us longevity if we lead noble lives. If we are generous, thoughtful and considerate, our children and friends will celebrate our passing to a better place.

Time is getting shorter every day. Better get busy doing good deeds and treating others with dignity. Substantial people act with respect not because they will be rewarded at death, but because it’s the right thing to do while they are alive.