Presidential Nominees Most People Don’t Want

America is rapidly approaching the election of either Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Given the negativity generated by both men, it might be worthwhile to consider what both men might do, or not, immediately after being elected president.

Biden. The immigration crisis is now the number one or number two problem facing the US according to recent polls. The Biden administration has proven it is totally incapable of leading America through this existential problem. More and more immigrants are coming across the border every day, and yet, Biden turns a blind eye to the issue that has now begun to affect cities and states across the country politically, economically and socially.

As predicted by experts, the flow of poor people, risky people and uneducated people is causing great concern throughout the 50 states. Yet the man who was responsible for guiding the country regarding immigration [Mayorkas- Secretary of Homeland Security] is still in office after having been impeached by the House of Representatives.

The influx of migrants brings with it more crime and refugee issues for all Americans. There are no criminal records available, so our law enforcement agencies have no idea what to expect from the interlopers. Nevertheless, liberals led by Biden are even suggesting giving money to illegal migrants, providing food, offering education, issuing drivers’ licenses and providing free hospital services to the millions that have already crossed our borders. Sanctuary cities are dreading the day that the concept was adopted by uniformed political hacks.

Biden will not effectively deal with these problems and illegals will continue to storm our borders and abuse American generosity.

The other major issue causing discontent is the corruption of the Biden family. Joe Biden has enabled relatives and friends to use the positions he has held historically to receive funds illegally from various parties worldwide, including countries unfriendly towards the US. It appears the Bidens have made millions off of the president’s reputation. It’s shameful that hard working Americans must sit and watch the Biden family rake in cash illegally from nations unfriendly to the US without reporting it for tax purposes.

There is no end to the corruption as Biden is protected by executive privilege. Why would Americans stand for this sort of abuse of power?

Trump. [Note: Nikki Haley is expected to drop out of the campaign for president opening a clear path for Trump.] I believe that Trump will do some things beneficial to America if he’s elected. For instance,  he will work to stop illegal immigration, and he will not allow rogue countries to continue to take advantage of America in the fight against terrorism and aggression. But that’s where it ends.

America should not elect a man or woman who is a liar, thinks he is above the law or is a convicted felon. Trump is a terrible person, a megalomaniac that has endeared himself to people who are sick and tired of politicians and business taking advantage of our government and economy. It is hard to believe so many voters are supportive given the former president’s outlandish leadership style. He will attempt to increase the power of the president if elected, in spite of constitutional constraints.

Trump will not abide by the laws of our country. He thinks he is above the law. We cannot elect a man who has encouraged sedition, who has cheated others during his whole career, and is just not capable of governing our country. It’s clear that Trump is all for himself and would care less for the well-being of our country.

I don’t know how the country can deal with the threat of these two men. We can only hope that Biden recognizes he is too feeble and too corrupt to be president for another term. Trump is a criminal fighting several indictments for misbehavior. Our democracy would be at risk as with Trump as president.