Another Terrorist Attack- Our Immigration Laws Are Weak

New York City experienced another terrorist attack this past Tuesday on the walking/biking path along the West Side Highway.

A small rental truck driven by a man from Uzbekistan, who came to the US in 2010 with a green card, killed eight people and injured 11 others and screamed “Allahu akbar (Arabic for “God is great). The precise location of this terrorist attack is near the Stuyvesant High School. Fortunately none of the students were injured.

The nation will go into mourning for those killed and injured. We will empathize with the families affected by this horrible act of terror. And there will be a demand for action just like there were after all the other attacks in recent years. None of them resulted in any substantive changes other than proposals made by Donald Trump. In this case there were no deaths or injuries from guns so we will be spared another debate that goes nowhere.

Liberals are anathema to new laws that would make it more difficult for certain groups prone to violence to come to America. Ironically no one really doubts that foreign inspired terrorism directed at us usually originates with these groups.

Americans should be frustrated and angry that there has been so little progress in stopping these troublemakers from coming to America. We should be sick of the same trite speeches about the benefits of a melting pot society and demand more preventative action. Our immigration policies have resulted in something like 15 million illegal aliens in our country and an unknown number of immigrants and visitors from places that are notorious for planning attacks on our homeland.

In the early 20th Century immigrants from around the world flocked to America. They wanted to live the American dream. They were anxious to find work to support their families and put down roots in our country. They wanted to learn our language,  assimilate into our society and become productive members our our community.

How does that compare to the people who have come to America in recent years? They do not assimilate, they resist learning our language, they live separately and they demand more services than they provide to America.

I believe there is great value in a melting pot society. But I demand that our borders be managed more diligently. America is not required by law to take in a minimum number of aliens each year. We should only do so if we are sure that they will obey our laws, pay taxes, use our language and learn to care for themselves without governmental assistance.

If all this means that certain groups  are denied entry, so be it. If this dilemma results because an immigrant cannot be vetted properly to determine his or her character for lack of information from their home country, they should be denied admission.

My perspective may seem cruel to some, but so is the carnage, death, unhappiness and disruption that is caused by events like the one on Tuesday. We should not become inured to the deaths of “a couple of Americans.” We should be outraged and demand a better system. Most importantly we should not continue to prepare for another disaster and forget to try to stop this violence before it occurs and at its origin. We do not want to become like Israel and assume that deaths and injury by terrorists are a way of life.

There are options to fight terrorism that we are not employing. It all starts at the borders. Our government must be proactive and find troublemakers before they gain entry into the US. If these people are mostly from a certain part of the world it makes no difference. We should do this in honor of all those who have been murdered by terrorists and all the brave soldiers and first responders that are trying to make us safe.

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