How Will Voters Decide Between Two Terrible Choices?

How do voters make decisions? Pollsters have debated this question for decades. Every election has several issues that influence voters. Generally they will select a candidate that best relates to their personal biases, needs and philosophies. But usually one issue will dominate their decision-making process.

If a voter is in favor of gun rights and a member of the NRA he will probably vote Republican all other things being equal. If a voter is a strong supporter of a woman’s right to choose, the Democratic Party will likely be the choice.

In this complicated world the number of issues that candidates may address are diverse. At any moment he presidential candidates may discuss the economy, race relations, national security, income inequality, abortion rights, gun control, education, law and order and a slew of other concerns, when they are not slinging mud at each other.

What makes the 2016 election special is that many voters have strong personal feelings towards the contestants going far beyond their stance on important issues. Never before have voters indicated so often that they feel that one or both of the candidates are ignorant, liars, cheaters, crooked, despicable and much more.

For instance Donald Trump has said things repeatedly about immigration and women  that turn off a large percentage of Hispanic and female voters.

Hillary Clinton has a long history of corruption and entitlement that has become more evident with each passing day. She and her husband believe they are above the law. And, judging by the way the press and law enforcement treat them, it appears to be true. Any other person who handled classified information the way that Clinton has would have been indicted long ago.

Voters are opting for the candidate they hate the least. This is incredible, especially if you consider that both presidential aspirants have unfavorable ratings of about 55%. Is it really so that more than half of Americans don’t like either of the major presidential candidates? Why the hell are these two people our only serious choices this coming Tuesday?

It was startling that, in desperation, Clinton has recruited celebrities to drag her pathetic campaign over the finish line. Would anyone really be influenced politically by Beyonce, Jay Z or Chance the Rapper? What do they know about ISIS, Kim Jong-il or Obamacare? Someone should ask them. Sounds like a job for TMZ.

America is in for a disastrous four years regardless of who wins. Trump would is a wild card, and a Clinton administration will give us another four more year of Obama, much to the chagrin of many.

It was just announced that the FBI is not going to pursue Clinton’s scandalous email behavior. Nothing surprising here. FBI Director Comey should start packing up his office now. The way he handled the affair has been abominable. Most people expected this decision to come after the election, but he delivered it two days before the polls open. Skeptics are asking how his subordinates could have done an adequate job reviewing thousands of emails in a couple of days. Maybe he was under intense pressure from his superiors. Wink, wink.

Now we wait to see whether Clinton wins the election, and whether the Clinton Foundation pay to play policy results in an indictment. There doesn’t seem to be any end to Clinton’s illegal and unethical activities. In due course a second Clinton may be impeached if the FBI uncovers crimes at her foundation.

This will be my last post before the election unless I change my mind. You never know, the FBI could announce another investigation of Clinton on Monday. In any case, vote or don’t complain about the person who is elected president. I will vote, and I will continue to complain.


The last several days have brought voters a treasure trove of inappropriate behavior by Hillary Clinton, her family and her minions.

Her illegal use of a personal server, her denials of such activity (initially), the disclosure of thousands of even more emails not provided to authorities, the possible existence of classified emails on Huma Abedin’s personal computers (and access to them by her estranged husband who is accused to sending lewd messages to a minor) and the black cloud that hangs over the Clinton Foundation are making it difficult for voters to hold their noses and cast a vote for Clinton.

Clinton hasn’t even been elected yet and the accusations of corruption are flowing in unabated. What kind of presidency will she bring us? We’re going to spend the next four years pursuing all of her family’s misdeeds, unethical political power plays and outright defiance of the law. Using their positions in government has brought great financial rewards to the Clintons. Unfortunately most of their gambits are questionable from many perspectives.

A large number of Americans dread the fact that the newspapers and airwaves will be overflowing with continuing new and old scandals and deceit involving the Clintons and their disciples. Why are any voters anxious to take another bite of the Clinton’s poisoned apple?

There are many unfinished items on the “get Hillary list.” They include her actions before and after the Banghazi episode where the former Secretary of State negligently failed to protect brave Americans at the Libyan embassy and lied about the reasons for the attack, the Clinton Email Scandal (Part II) that FBI Director Comey dropped on our heads last week, Clinton’s questionable support of Obamacare as it continues to collapse before our very eyes, Clinton’s pay to play tactics at her foundation and so much more. Talk about baggage!

We all know why Clinton still has an opportunity to win despite all of her political and legal warts. It’s not because she’s a charming, great political mind or a successful statesperson. It’s because her opponent is a disaster waiting to happen. During the campaign the candidates have competed to be the most disliked by the electorate.

Trump has the worst reputation with women who represent about half of the voters in the country, by the way. He’s arrogant, not well informed and not a very good communicator. His business career, which he regularly flaunts is fraught with accusations of tax violations, bankruptcies, and never ending litigation. Trump’s temperament should automatically disqualify him from holding office and representing the U.S. In fact he’s never represented our country because he was too busy building the balance in his checking account.

Many Americans are totally depressed that these two candidates are the only options next week. The only cogent reason to vote for either one of them is to keep the other out of the White House.